ESA, together with PML and support from NASA, is organising an Ocean Carbon From Space Workshop, to be held virtually from 14 to 18 February 2022. This workshop is being organised as the second workshop in the CLEO (Colour and Light in the ocean from Earth Observations) Series and is a contribution to the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Work Plan on the Aquatic Carbon Application area, as endorsed by the CEOS Ocean Colour Radiometry Virtual Constellation (OCR-VC) founded within the International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG).
The main objective of the workshop is to bring together remote sensing scientists, field scientists and modellers around the common topic of ocean carbon, its pools and fluxes, its variability in space and time and the understanding of its processes and interactions with the earth system. The aim is to articulate a collective view of the current status, identify gaps in knowledge and formulate the scientific roadmap for the next decade, with an emphasis on evaluating where Earth Observations (EO) may contribute.
The workshop is being organised as a series of sessions targeting specific themes. Each session will consist of invited talks, contributed oral and poster presentations, and a group discussion. The workshop will conclude with a synthesis and recommendation session.
We invite submission of abstracts contributing to the following themes:
Pools of Carbon in the Ocean
- 1. Particulate Organic Carbon
- 2. Phytoplankton Carbon
- 3. Particulate Inorganic Carbon
- 4. Dissolved Organic Carbon
- 5. Carbon Chemistry, including Dissolved
- Inorganic Carbon
Main processes
- 6. Marine Primary Production
- 7. Export Production
- 8. Underwater Light Field
- 9. Air-Sea Exchanges
- 10. Land-Sea Exchanges
Crosscutting themes
- 11. Uncertainty Estimates
- 12. Freshwater Carbon
- 13. Blue Carbon
- 14. Extreme Events, Tipping Points and Impacts on Carbon
- 15. Climate Variability and Change
- 16. Ocean Carbon Budget: How Close to Closure?

Access here the full programme including abstract and contributions
(NB: this material cannot be used without authorisation from the author since it may contain unpublished results)
The PADLET is accessible at and will stay open for the entire duration of the workshop. It is an interactive way for you to exchange views and provide recommendations on the main scientific challenges, gaps and opportunities for future activities regarding the different Workshop topics. You are very welcome to start using it right now!
Please note that all times are shown in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

The Abstract submission interface is now open, we invite to submit your contribution HERE
Selection of the session and type of presentation (oral or e-poster) proposed
Note: Abstract length should be at least 200 words and maximum 300 words (one A4 page, single space normally contains 400-500 words).
Information about the co-authors (name, lastname, affiliation, contact Email)
Schedule and Deadlines
Abstract submission opening | November, 9th 2021 |
Abstract submission closure | |
Notification of acceptance | January, 14th 2021 |
Issue of Preliminary Programme | January, 14th 2022 |
Registration Opening | January, 14th 2022 |
Issue of Final Programme | February, 11th 2022 |
Workshop | February, 14-18, 2022 |
Organising Committee
Bob Brewin
University of Exeter
Javier A. Concha
Serco c/o ESA
Diego Fernandez Prieto
European Space Agency (ESA)
Bror Jőnsson
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Tiho Kostadinov
California State University San Marco
Gemma Kulk
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Laura Laurenzoni
Sabrina Lodadio
Serco c/o ESA
Hiroshi Murakami
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Stephen Plummer
European Space Agency (ESA)
Irene Renis
Serco c/o ESA
Marie-Helene Rio
European Space Agency (ESA)
Roberto Sabia
Telespazio UK Limited
Shubha Sathyendranath
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Ulla Vayrynen
Serco c/o ESA
Scientific Committee
Tim Smyth
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Marco Bellacicco
CNR Istituto di Scienze Marine
Heather Bouman
University of Oxford
Astrid Bracher
Alfred Wegener Institute
Andrea Corredor
Universidad Austral de Chile
Giorgio Dall’Olmo
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Paul Di Giacomo
Stephanie Dutkiewicz
Bryan Franz
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Robert Frouin
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Jessica Gier
Dennis Hansell
University of Miami, USA
Chuanmin Hu
University of South Florida
Joji Ishizaka
Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center, Nagoya University
Thomas Jackson
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Christina Kong
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Tiit Kutser
University of Tartu
Marko Laine
Finnish Meteorological Institute
ZhongPing Lee
University of Massachusetts Boston
Antonio Mannino
Victor Martinez-Vicente
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Frédéric Mélin
Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Catherine Mitchell
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Rafael Rasse
Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche
Katherine Richardson
University of Copenhagen
Cecile Rousseaux
Fang Shen
State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University
Jamie Shutler
University of Exeter
David Siegel
UC Santa Barbara
Stefan Simis
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Ranjini Swaminathan
University of Reading